Assalamualaikum my dear :)
Alhamdulillah, diberi kesempatan lagi untuk menghadiri Hijab Event kali ke-3 anjuran Muslimah Interest Zone And Networking Association (MIZAN) bertempat di Encorp Strand Mall, Kota Damansara. Hijab Event yang pertama telah diadakan di Masjid As-syakirin KLCC manakala tahun lepas diadakan di Taman Tasik Titiwangsa. Boleh baca review -> Hijab Event 2013 dan Hijab Event 2014.
The stage |
I like that colour so much! <3 |
Tahun ini bertemakan baby blue, so Fatin pun semangat beli jubah baru memandangkan xde lagi jubah biru, bukan membazir ke apa, memang niat nak tambah koleksi jubah. Lagipun jarang beli baju baru, satu sem satu baju je diri sendiri limitkan :p
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My sis wearing jubah from By Fatin Suhana :) |
Untuk tahun ini, seperti tahun2 lepas, ramai speakers hebat yang telah berkongsi ilmu seperti Dr Har who is my favourite speaker. :) Beberapa hari sebelum event dapat sad news, Wardina tak dapat hadir. But, still, perbetulkan niat, we attend this event for the sake of Allah, Insya Allah..
Okay, I try to share some knowledge with you. Fatin terlupa nak bawak pen, bawak buku nota je.. So, terpaksa guna voice record, sebab tu lambat update, hehe.. Before event start, kitorang breakfast jap kat Old Town.
Sis Ayesha Syahira selaku emcee rasmi majlis untuk event kali ini. Kata beliau, dulu hijab event 2013 datang as peserta, 2014 as a crew, 2015 as an emcee, 2016? as a panel, maybe insya Allah.. Fatin kenal dia pun start hijab event 2013, masa tu dia ada tanya soalan kepada panel. Now, beliau dah ada brand shawl sendiri Al-Hijab Sisters, congrats sis! :)
Baiklah, sebagai pembukaan, majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan doa dan bacaan surah Al-Kahfi ayat 103 hingga 110. Sebagai peringatan buat kita, Allahu..
Ayat 103:
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): "Mahukah Kami khabarkan kepada kamu akan orang-orang yang paling rugi amal-amal perbuatannya?
Ayat 104:
(Iaitu) orang-orang yang telah sia-sia amal usahanya dalam kehidupan dunia ini, sedang mereka menyangka bahawa mereka sentiasa betul dan baik pada apa sahaja yang mereka lakukan".
Ayat 107 & 108 menjadikan motivasi untuk kita :)
Ayat 107:
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, disediakan bagi mereka Syurga-syurga Firdaus, sebagai tempat tetamu (yang serba mewah).
Ayat 108:
Mereka kekal di dalamnya, (dan) tidak ingin berpindah daripadanya.
Majlis dirasmikan oleh Dr Normah dari World Assembly of Muslim Youth, beliau juga merupakan anesthesiologist (doktor pakar bius) di Hospital Ampang. Bertemakan "Liberation by the veil", Dr Normah mengupas, "You are covering but you liberated, how? So, that is Islam. Islam meletakkan wanita di tempat yang paling istimewa. We are special." Beliau turut mengingatkan rasa bersyukur kepada Allah. Katanya, untuk pesakit yang memerlukan alat pernafaan untuk bernafas, ventilator machine, it costs around RM5000 per day. But, Allah not charge us, the air is free of charge, for many years. We should be thankful to Allah. Health is wealth.
Untuk sesi forum pertama, DJ Mazlina Ismail dari sebagai moderator dan speakers adalah Dr Harlina Haliza Siraj dan Dr Halimah Boukerroucha.
Dr Harlina reminds us about we wear hijab for the sake of Allah. Which surah? Surah al-ahzab ayat 59 and an-nur ayat 31.
Why we wear hijab? Two main reasons, firstly, by wearing hijab, we are easily recognised as a muslim. We are putting the uniform of muslim. When people sees you a mile away, they know you are muslim by looking at your hijab.You declare your identity, your religious identity to the world. Unlike brothers, people cannot recognise them either they are muslim or not, by looking at their apperance. One more thing, kita bukan pakai tudung sebab lelaki! They need to be responsible to their iman. We also need to be responsible to our iman.
The second reason is women are not to be harrased, get respect, But if you are wearing hijab, but still harrased, still get the wolf whistling from the men, still get sort of people which hold or hug you, still not respect you, there must be a reason to that, maybe something wrong somewhere. We don't say that we are unapproachable. we are the most pleasant human being on earth.
Hijab is like speedbump, it relates human behaviour. we can passed away but need to slow down. Hijab is actually our speedbump, men will start to think, "Oo, okay, I need to behave to this woman." You dont really have to demand for that.
Dr Halimah pula menekankan tentang why do women need to cover aurat and wearing hijab? Because Allah told us to do so. Hijab is like our ID, it shows we are muslim. It shows important identity. Hijab shows For example, when a people enter a city, how do he know that people in that city are muslim or not. First, the mosque. second, the hijab.
Besides, with hijab we are not allow man treating us like sex objects. you can deal with me as academicians, nurses, doctors, students, but sex object, NO. Men are not allowed. And we don't give that opportunity. Moreover, we are telling people that you are not allowed people to judge us by our physical, by hijab, looks, beauty, but you are allowed to judge based on my personality, attitude or knowledge. Also, we don't use our body and chance to get recognition for acceptance in our society. We don't do so. We are beautiful, Allah has told us in surah at tin ayat 4, "We have indeed created man in the best of moulds"
Selain itu, Dr Har turut mengingatkan jangan biarkan orang pandang rendah kepada kita, hanya kerana kita pakai tudung. Sesetengah orang, memandangkan perempuan yang bertudung seperti 'mak cik kampung' yang tidak tahu apa2. Kita perlu menunjukkan sikap yang baik, komunikasi dengan baik dengan semua orang. Jangan rasa rendah diri dengan orang lain. Satu lagi, bagi yang berhijab, jangan jadi agresif dan sewenang-wenangnya berkata,"I wear hijab, I will enter to heaven, you are not, go to hell". Jangan kita memandang rendah kepada mereka. Kita perlu menunjukkan peribadi dan kata2 yang baik, mudah-mudahan Allah menggerakkan hati mereka untuk berhijab. Kadang2 ada yang bertanya, "Tak panas ke pakai tudung?" Jangan menjawab, "Yup, quite hot, but the hell is hotter." Cuba kita bertanya kepada dia, "Apa kata try pakai sekali?" :)
Selesai forum pertama, diteruskan dengan Fashion Slot by Fara Fauzi. Beliau memberi tips2 tentang fesyen dan mix & match baju.
Seterusnya disambung dengan forum kedua atau lebih kepada sharing session daripada tiga hijabi iaitu Amie Sofia, pengacara Assalamualaikum dari TV Al-hijrah, kak GG seorang yang baru berhijrah dan Jessica Ang, seorang muallaf. Mereka menceritakan pengalaman masing2 sebagai seorang muslimah yang berhijab.
Untuk event kali ini, terdapat satu anugerah iaitu Muhajaba Awards, by bringing the most numbers of yet-to-be-muslim friends; or yet-to-wear-hijab friends of yours. Awards ini diberikan kepada Farihin, yang berjaya membawa seorang rakan (chinese girl) non-muslim hadir ke majlis ni. Bila sis Ayesha tanya bagaimana Farihin ajak kawan dia, Farihin kata sebenarnya that chinese girl yang ajak dia datang. But actually, a woman bring a son's girlfriend (that chinese girl) to this event. The woman also a muallaf since long time ago.
Sis Ayesha bertanya kat that chinese girl, siapa yang suruh pakai tudung, dia kata, dia yang nak pakai sendiri, she feels more respective and hijab shows the modesty. His boyfriend taught her about Islam, and she is still learning about quran, about the prophet, Masha Allah.. Moga Allah berikan dia hidayah, insya Allah.. :')
Sis Ayesha bertanya kat that chinese girl, siapa yang suruh pakai tudung, dia kata, dia yang nak pakai sendiri, she feels more respective and hijab shows the modesty. His boyfriend taught her about Islam, and she is still learning about quran, about the prophet, Masha Allah.. Moga Allah berikan dia hidayah, insya Allah.. :')
Majlis penutup disampaikan oleh Brother Julien Drolon, an international musician, who is now a Malaysian representative from New Muslim Care shares his experience about hijab world. After he took his syahadah, he thought that he has to marry a hijabi one day. This become a big question in his mind. He was from France, a country which hijab and niqab are banned. So he travelled around the world to do some research about the women with hijab. Most of them told him that they are weaing hijab because of Allah. Alhamdulillah, he is now married with a Malay hijabi.
Besides, by wearing hijab, it helps to avoid men from comparing a woman to the another woman. From the men's perspective by looking, men like to compare your appearance to somebody else, the hijab itself can avoid men to think sort of the crazy ideas. Last but not least, the best quotes from him, "What does a woman want in her life? I always pondering about that. I feel, she wants someone to take care of her heart, right? I'm sorry to tell you, but no man on earth, can do that for you, because we will always be disappoint you. We are not perfect, even we try our best, we cannot. The one who can take care of your heart is the creator of the heart, is Allah S.W.T. so if you turn back to HIM, and if you do what Allah ask you to do, which is to wear hijab, Insya Allah, you will get that. And of course, when you marry a muslim husband who practises Islam as well, insya Allah, you will have the great feeling, great bonding and only Allah will give you that.
Sampai di sini sahaja perkongsian saya, sorry kalau ada salah grammar ke, bahasa rojak ke, oh my english! :p Some pics credit to instagram mizan.sisters. Sharing is caring :)
Jumpa lagi hijab event next year, insya Allah.. :)
p/s: Okay nak sambung buat FYP, esok kena jumpa supervisor...
bestnyeeee. masha Allah.
ReplyDeleteHehehehe. Assalamualaikum. Singgah sini.
Waalaikumussalam, thanks singgah :)