Fatin ada menjalani pemeriksan mata secara keseluruhan dengan optometrist di Klinik Optometri UiTM Puncak Alam.
Melalui pemeriksaan ini, optometrist akan memeriksa tahap kesihatan mata, kejulingan, kekeringan mata dan sebagainya.
Namun, ada berita yang tidak sedap didengar, Fatin ada papillae gred 2 dalam mata.
Alhamdulillah gred 2. Gred 2 tidak membahayakan tetapi perlu dirawat.
Tapi itu dulu, dua bulan yang lepas. Sekarang, mata kanan dah naik 'pangkat' ke gred 3...!
Kalau dah gred 3, kena pakai ubat untuk kurangkan..
Optometrist tu kata, maybe ada allergy. Tapi setahu Fatin, Fatin memang takde allergy.
"Maybe ada allergy tapi tak perasan.." kata optometris.
1. Buat warm compression.
2. Setitis opticrom atau sperallerg.
3. Selepas 10 minit, titiskan artificial tears. Ubat tu akan menyebabkan mata kering jadi artificial tears atau air mata palsu diperlukan.
*Fatin tak jumpa opticrom kat farmasi, jumpa sperallerg je..
Papillae tu apa?
Papillae tu macam biji2 dalam mata.
Menurut optometris tu, papillae berpunca daripada pemakaian contact lense atau allergi.
Kadang-kadang papillae akan menyebabkan mata menjadi gatal.
Jalan penyelesaiannya, Fatin perlu membuat
warm compression untuk mengurangkan papillae.
Hasil carian google:
*tapi yang ni kes yang papillae besar
An allergic conjunctivitis also can result from a reaction to proteins or other contaminants deposited on the surface of contact lenses, most commonly extended wear soft lenses. The latter can result in “giant papillary conjunctivitis” (GPC), mostly evidenced by the appearance of large “papillae” on the superior conjunctival tarsal plate (underneath the upper eyelid).
Each papilla is a collection of lymphocytes and plasma cells.
Elimination of conjunctival papillae often is not easy. Obtaining new contact lenses, with reduced wearing time and with regular enzymatic cleaning of the lenses, is recommended. Sometimes it is best to be refit with disposable soft lenses or with rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses.
With these lenses, protein build-up is not as much of a problem as it is with extended wear lenses, though it still can occur.
Giant papillary conjunctivitis - this allergic condition arises as a direct consequence of the lens itself and presents as intolerance to the lens associated with irritation and redness of the eye.
On closer inspection, large papillae (>3.0 mm) may be seen in the upper tarsal conjunctiva.
These are thought to be due to chronic irritation and mediated by both immune and mechanical means.
Treatment consists of removing the lens until the condition has resolved, and improving care/fit of lenses if necessary.
Topical mast cell stabilisers (e.g. sodium cromoglicate) may be used, but preserved drops should not be instilled with soft lenses.
More information:
p/s: Hargailah mata anda kerana matamu begitu berharga..
sorry tajuk agak terkasar bahasa sikit.. huhu
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p/s: Hargailah mata anda kerana matamu begitu berharga..
sorry tajuk agak terkasar bahasa sikit.. huhu
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Takda kot... -_-
ReplyDeleteNuralia Amani, baguslah takda.. jaga mata elok2.. :D
ReplyDeleteHaruslah. Alia kan nak jadi pilot.. huhu -_-
ReplyDeleteUiksss...ahahahaa..bhaya2..mata syaa..huwaa :(
ReplyDeletealia: pilot? bukan nak jadi doktor haiwan ke?
ReplyDeleteeida: sama2 lah kita menjaga mata kita.. :)